Playlist No. 6 - A Very Merry Mixtape

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“Christmas will always be as long as we stand heart to heart and hand in hand.” (Dr. Seuss)

As we were reflecting on the year, naturally we ended up comparing notes on the strange presents that our kids put on their lists this year, which got us thinking about what the holidays used to mean to us and some of the presents that we asked for, which, at the time, seemed like the biggest deal in the world. The excitement and anticipation which those days leading up to Christmas would bring as a child still evoke vivid memories and emotions.

We had a lot of fun turning back the clock and digging up some bands from our formative years. And while we love Mannheim Steamroller, we wanted this particular playlist to have a little more, shall we say, awesome hair. We think this also might be the only playlist in history that has songs by Wham! and Run DMC, side by side. The harmony here is amazing, if we do say so ourselves.

Before you scroll down and press play, we did want to take a moment to say that, whatever traditions you may follow or uphold, this is a time of year where we need to remind ourselves what matters most, and be grateful for the blessings that the year has brought. For us, it’s been a joy to make new friends, build meaningful partnerships, and experience both successes and challenges that will not only make us better at what we do, but make us more appreciative of who we get to do it with.

Here’s to a safe, joyful, and memorable holiday season….

Patrick Dunphy