Ingenuity, Creativity, and Caring: What Makes Small Businesses and Communities So Great


Ingenuity, creativity, and caring. These are the traits that make small businesses, local establishments, community-based organizations, social ventures, and not for profits the backbone of our neighborhoods. These are the traits that make our communities special, and compel us to support one another; to buy local, to donate our time and our resources to ensure that we are all looking out for one another; to frequent the neighborhood pizza place or diner. Yes, the products and the services are important. But, ultimately, we choose to patronize these locations because we believe in the people that have built them and work tirelessly to sustain them. 

So as we settle in and face the realities of the coming months - the adjustments and challenges that we are going to face as individuals, families, business owners, employees - it is more important now than during any time we can remember to keep these traits at the top of our minds and do our best to support one another in all manner of ways, large and small. And with all that we’re facing, we are reminded every day of how important maintaining that spirit of ingenuity, creativity, and caring is going to be to get through this time and come out with a stronger foundation for the future.

Here are just a few examples that we’ve already seen of individuals, communities, and businesses coming together, sharing resources, and working hand in hand to support one another. We hope some of these resources inspire new ideas, remind you of the opportunities that are out there to keep building community, or compel you to take some kind of action that might help support a business in need and sow the seeds for brighter times ahead.


While getting outside in the sunshine to get some exercise and fresh air is absolutely essential to coping with the challenges of distancing ourselves from one another, online classes and supports are available to help us focus on our physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.

Physical Activity

Yoga Loft Studios Instagram Live Class

Yoga Loft Studios Instagram Live Class

Staying Connected

Our friends at Canopy working together virtually

Our friends at Canopy working together virtually

Spending time away from our co-workers, friends, and neighbors is precisely what we are not built to do - it’s why we’re so good at building strong communities. Here are a few resources to help you stay connected with others and with yourself.

  • We all know about FaceTime, Zoom, and Google Hangout. But you can send video messages to your friends and loved ones with Marco Polo as well.

  • Take a few moments to enjoy free meditations from Headspace

  • MoodKit is a cognitive behavioral therapy-based app that allows you to track your mood, activities, diet, thoughts, and social engagement.


Kate Rubins Reading from Space

Kate Rubins Reading from Space

Need a reminder of how amazing our cultural institutions are? Are you a parent looking for support with ensuring your children’s education continues will schools are closed, or to take this time to pursue long-held interests of your own? Here are some excellent free online learning resources.


Photo from Mo Willems

Photo from Mo Willems

Take a little bit of time each day to enjoy creatives sharing their talents.

Support Small Businesses & Nonprofits

Photo from the Oak Park EDC

Photo from the Oak Park EDC

Keep supporting the businesses you love, as best you can.

  • Consider taking advantage of local delivery from independent stores; not just restaurants, but others that are working hard to employ an online model as soon as they can get up and running.

  • Purchase gift certificates for post-quarantine celebrations to infuse capital into businesses that might just help sustain them until the time they are ready to reopen their doors to in-person customers again.

And keep supporting nonprofit organizations, who are providing critical services to communities in ways that other businesses and public departments simply cannot.

Be Kind

Photo from Winifred Grace

Photo from Winifred Grace

Most importantly, be kind. Understand that everyone is just as scared and confused in this time of great uncertainty. We are all in this together.